Wednesday, April 16, 2014

cable nationals

Things have been really hectic the past few weeks with all the planning for my overseas trip.  In between all the planning and training for SA Nationals, I was lucky enough to do a film shoot which hopefully will be released soon. 

This past weekend - 12th and 13th April, was SA Cable Nationals which was held at StokeCity Wakepark in Johannesburg.  Unfortunately during practice on Friday, I pulled a muscle between my ribs on my back.  I was unable to ride qualifiers on Saturday as it was really sore.  I was prepared to  just do a lap so that I could qualify for finals on Sunday should I be OK to ride, but after discussions with the association, it was felt that it wasn't necessary as I was there and ready.  We managed to find a chiropractor who was willing to  see me on Saturday afternoon.  She massaged the muscle and did ultrasound.

When I woke up on Sunday, it felt a little better but was still quite painful.  I decided that I was going to try and ride and just see how it goes. 

I was super stoked on getting 1st place and the SA champ title for 2014 !!.  Jordan won the Pro Men division, so the two of us flew off to Spain on Sunday night after a very successful weekend.

A big thank you to my sponsors for all their support.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

boat nationals 2014

SA Champs was held at Misverstand at the end of March 2014. We were greeted with perfect conditions all weekend. As usual, we had practise on Friday afternoon, Saturday was qualifiers and finals were held on Sunday. 

I managed to win qualifiers on Saturday but in the finals on Sunday i came second to a rider from the Netherlands. This means that i still got the SA champ title. My whole family came along to support my younger brother and i. He competed in the Junior men division and landed his first invert in his final run on Sunday which put him in 3rd place. 

All in all it was a fun weekend and a good way to end the boat season :) Thanks to my sponsors - Roxy and Liquid Force , for all the support! 

after my final run

1st-  Loes Linders
2nd- Melissa Colborne
3rd- Deidre van Niekerk